In the movie, the apartment there
were several instances where sexual harassment and workplace issues were exhibited.
Sexual harassment in a work place can occur in three different ways. Quid pro
Quo, Hostile Environment Created by Supervisors and Hostile Environment Created
by Coworkers or Nonemployees. All three forms of sexual harassment were
exhibited. Quid pro quo “the most direct is to prove that
rejecting a supervisor’s advances adversely affected what the EEOC calls a “tangible
employment action,” such as hiring, firing, promotion, demotion, and/or work
assignment” (Dessler, p. 40). C.C Baxter was given promotions based on what he agreed to
and what he could provide for his supervisors (his apartment). He was often
threatened if he did not give in to their demands. This created a hostile work
environment for C.C Baxter because he was constantly trying to coordinate his supervisor’s
indiscretions, “hostile environment sexual harassment generally means the
intimidation, insults, and ridicule were sufficiently severe to alter the
employee’s working conditions” (Dessler, p. 40). The work phones were also utilized heavily in order to coordinate the scheduling
of the apartment. Miss Olsen also suffered from a great deal of sexual
advancements and actions from employees walking in and out of the elevator as
well as from Mr. Sheldrake. However, she never seemed to complain or report what
was happening. Had she been proactive in making her concerns known, things
could have been avoided. “Remember that courts generally look to whether the harassed employee used the employer’s reporting procedures to
file a complaint promptly. If the
employer has an effectively communicated complaint procedure, use it and then
cooperate in the investigation” (Dessler, p. 41).
Gary. Human
Resource Management, 15th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2016. [The Art Institutes].
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